Thursday, July 28, 2011

What I've been up to...

Although you haven’t heard from me as much as usual recently, I've been busier than ever ‘behind the scenes’!

The two big things we’ve been up to are:

Bolstering the Talex Speed Camera & Mobile Speed Trap Database even more.


Creating a brand new service that we’ll be announcing in the not too distant future, which I think will have great appeal amongst our Members.

There’s also been a load of other stuff going on, such as trying to take DriveProtect to France and Spain (you think Motorists here have it bad?!)... and creating the BTST/Talex/DriveProtect Brochure that we'll send out to Members in the post, as well as a whole load of other bits and pieces.

I’ve let the newsletter slide a bit because of it to be honest.

Anyhow, about the improvements to the Talex Database...

As you'll know if you’re already a Talex user, the Talex Speed Camera & Mobile Speed Trap Database has been the best in the UK for some time, for reasons I’ve gone in to many times before.

We were updating it every day until a few weeks back (even though the “version number” only changed every Friday for a technical reason I won’t bore you with here).

However, the Database Team -- comprising Adam K, Kim, Frances, Anton and Dmitry, who are assisted by a whole army of “Camera Scouts” all over the UK -- are now updating it multiple times per day.

And that includes Sundays and Bank Holidays, by the way.

The only day we don’t update is Christmas day.

The reason for the increased frequency is that we now have many more data sources than when we first started out, including the recently launched Talex iPhone app, as well as the ever growing Talex community who report back whenever they see a new site.

We’ve also agreed a new deal with a competitor which means we are now paying them for their updates.

(incidentally, we are not swapping data, just buying theirs).

Due to a confidentiality clause in the Contract, I can’t tell you who it is, but if you had three guesses you would be quite likely get it right :-)

Anyway, now that’s all set up, I hope to get a bit more regular with the newsletters again.

I’ll be in touch soon!

Happy Motoring,
